February 2025
Elders' Meeting: February 2nd, 2025
Board Meeting: February 11th, 2025
Business Meeting: TBD
Communion Service: TBD
Baptism: TBD
Would you like to submit a benevolence request?
1.) Please review our benevolence policy for more information,
2.) Then email your request to benevolence@nlsdac.com
(Click the link above for a list of contacts)
Do you have an announcement, an event or a need?
Start by visiting Clerk.nlsdac.com or email us at clerk@nlsdac.com to
submit an announcement that you would like included in the church e-bulletin.
for any membership inquiries (Transfer of membership, Baby blessing)?
schedule an event you would like hosted at New Life (Wedding, Funeral, etc...)?
Worship Times
In Person Sabbath School
Saturdays' @ 10am
Worship Service
Saturdays' @ 11:30am
Live Streamed on our YouTube page or view using the link below.
Lead * Live * Love
Weekly Announcements
Please CLICK HERE to register for the Leadership Conference
How can you help?
If you are over the age of 18, please help us by preparing yourself to be a volunteer in support of programs and activities for our young people.
To ensure that our children are safe, the Allegheny East Conference utilizes the background check process and training vendor, Verified Volunteers.
You will be instructed on how to complete the required training and background check for volunteers who work with children by watching a brief 4-minute video on the following website: http://vimeo.com/channels/adventistchildprotection
Once you have viewed the training video, please log into the Verified Volunteers’ site complete the training and background check by accessing the following website: https://www.ncsrisk.org/adventist
Let's Stay in Touch
Keep up with New Life news, events,
and meetings via text message
Ways to Return Tithes & Offering:
In-person during Sabbath service
Zelle: Use the email address: giving@NLSDAC.com
Mail: Mail check or money order (NO CASH) to New Life SDA Church, 7401 Muncaster Mill Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Please remember to pray for, visit and call our members who are sick, shut-in, or hospitalized:
Bro. Colin King
Sis. Daisy Jackson